Congregational Care

Diligently seeking to identify and develop resources to meet the needs of our congregation.
We are committed to coming alongside anyone in need with prayer, support, and acts of kindness. Our Congregation, like any other typical body of believers, is comprised of people who experience challenges that impact their physical , emotional, and spiritual well-being. We want to be there for you. If you or a loved one needs pastoral care, please email us or call the main church number 601-956-6974.
Care Request
Please submit any care requests below, and let us know if you’d like follow up. We have a great care team ready to reach out to those in need of care and prayer. If you are looking only for prayer at this time, please fill out a prayer request.

Serve with us
We are always accepting individuals to join our Care Team, Prayer Team, and Hospitality Team. Explore your spiritual gifts and discern your possible role in a ministry of caring at Christ United. Those interested in learning more about your spiritual gifts can contact us below.
Caring for Others
Care Team
Our Care Team equips volunteers to provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care to individuals in our congregation and community who are experiencing difficulties in their lives. The identity of those receiving care and the details of the discussions within each caring relationship remains private. If you or someone you know could benefit from a Care Team Minister, please contact us.