Kids Ministry
Our Kids Ministry is about connecting kids to Jesus, nurturing every child to know the unconditional love of God, and growing spiritually in a welcoming environment. We offer kids programming on Sundays, Wednesdays, and every weekday in between!
Sunday Morning
Childcare available for kids 5 and under.
Sunday School for all ages (Birth -5th Grade).
Childcare available for kids 3 and under.
Please Note: Children are welcome to join their families in worship at 9AM Bridge in the Fellowship Hall or 11AM Traditions in the Sanctuary. Kids Worship Bags are available at the connection desk outside of each service location if your kids want to do an activity during the service.
We hope you’ll join us for Sunday morning worship this week! To streamline your first Sunday morning, you can fill out the visitor card below, and we’ll have your child’s name tag ready when you arrive!
Drop off and Pick up birth – 3rd grade will be through the Great Hall. Please enter the Great Hall through the North or South Entrance and proceed to the Kid’s Ministry Doors for check in.
Pro-tip: Park in the North parking lot for the shortest walk to the Kid’s Ministry.
Parents/guardians for birth – 3rd graders must show their security sticker at the Kids Ministry Entrance and will then be allowed on to the hall to pick up their child. Parents/guardians must then give their security sticker to their child’s leader in order to pick up their child.
Wednesday Nights
When children arrive at 5:30pm, please walk them in the North entrance, get them checked in, and then a volunteer will show you to your child’s room. There, they will eat pizza (if pre-ordered) and hang out with their leaders and friends. At 6pm, we begin large group games and teaching, then break off into small groups. Children MUST be checked out from their classrooms at 7pm.
4th and 5th grade programming happens on Wednesday nights from 5:30pm – 7:00pm. Check-in is outside of the Youth Center. Students will eat their meal (if pre-ordered), enjoy some time playing in the gym, and will worship together in both large and small groups. Students should be picked up outside the Youth Center at 7:00pm.
*Nursery will be available for kids 2 and under for parents who are serving or are staying on campus to be involved in a small group or Wednesday night Bible study.
KIDS OF ALL AGES ARE WELCOME TO ORDER FOOD. Food order links will be sent each Sunday via text and email as well as in the NextGen Weekly Email on Mondays. Orders are due each MONDAY at midnight. PLEASE NOTE: We will not have any extra food!

Other Resources
Check out the opportunities for your kids below!
Weekday Ministries
Our Weekday Ministries include Mother’s Morning out for birth thru 4 year olds as well as a Preschool for 5 year olds. If you would like to learn more about these programs, please click the buttons below.

Youth Ministry
Whether it’s a Sunday morning, Wednesday night, or any day in-between, there’s an opportunity for your student to learn about Jesus and adult leaders who love and care for them as they study Scripture and learn how it makes a difference in their lives.
Connect with us!
To stay up to date with our most recent events and announcements, follow us on Instagram @ChristUnitedNextGen and subscribe to our weekly email.
Sunday Morning
Sunday School is at 10AM in the Youth Center.
We offer two Sunday School classes for youth each Sunday in the Youth Center. One for 6th-8th graders, and one for 9th-12th graders. Students gather for games and a scripture-based lesson.
We believe that practicing our faith is important, and one great way we can put our faith into action is serving. We have three opportunities to serve on Sunday Mornings:
- Kids Ministry
- Hospitality
- Tech Team
We are happy to help train your student. If they would like to be involved in any of these service opportunities, we would love to get them connected. Contact Lauren McMaster at (662)207-0641.

Wednesday NightS: D-GROUP
D-Group is our middle school and high school program that combines age-appropriate Biblical teaching with relational small groups. Small groups are made up of students of the same grade and gender who meet on Wednesday nights with amazing adult leaders.
To join a small group, scroll down to forms, and fill out the Small Group Covenant form. This form enables your child to check in on Wednesdays and ensures your family stays in the loop on all things Youth Ministry throughout the year.
- Grades 6th – 8th meet from 5:30pm – 7:00pm at Christ United (Enter through the Youth Center).
- Grades 9th – 12th students meet for a time of Bible Study and conversation from 5:30pm – 7:00pm. Enter through the Youth Center where they will be directed to room 236.
Connect with us on Social and Email
Stay up to date with our events and announcements by following us on Instagram @ChristUnitedNextGen and subscribe to our weekly email.